A very warm welcome to my new website, now hosted here on tumblr.com. Hopefully, the refresh will allow for more regular updates of the site, so no longer will you been constantly reviewing old news!
After many requests, this new site features a complete update of my available compositions (click List of Compositions above), many of which now have excerpts for download. The Scores section, above, currently also features two complete scores for online perusal, with more on the way.
In addition, the blog format of the tumblr platform allows for much more in the way of news and announcements, which will appear in this news feed at regular intervals. To hear when such updates are released, simply follow this blog here on tumblr or follow me on twitter (which will automatically announce posts as-and-when they arrive).
Finally, thank you for you patience in waiting for this refresh. There has been some understandable frustration at the lack of up to date information on my old site; hopefully this is now a thing of the long dead past.
Thanks for your continued interest in my music, I look forward to talking more with you in the very near future.