An unexpected broadcast

So, you're pottering around late at night. You turn on the radio. It's already tuned to radio 3. It's late, so 'Late Junction' is on - which makes sense, right? You listen for a moment. The music sounds very familiar. Very familiar in fact. Then it clicks. You wrote it...

Really proud to have had my piece bet maryam featured on BBC Radio 3 last night, a recording taken from Diego Castro Magaš's really rather extraordinary album on the HCR label [ you can purchase the disc or digital downloads of it here].

HCR10: Shrouded Mirrors

HCR10: Shrouded Mirrors

The show is available online in full for the next twenty-nine days if you'd like to hear my little piece. I'm on at about 53 minutes into the playtime. Click the photo above.
